The McMullen Museum of Art at Boston College presents Gateway to Himalayan Art, a traveling exhibition organized by the Rubin Museum of Art that introduces the main forms, concepts, meanings, and ...
in Buddhist philosophy, Indo-Tibetan hermeneutics and Tibetan history and culture, and they attend regular discussion sessions as well as incidental lectures on topics including Tibetan art history ...
I received my doctorate in art history from The Ohio State University, specializing in the art of South Asia, with minors in Islamic and Himalayan Buddhist art. My book, Decoding A Hindu Temple: ...
Visitors will be transported hundreds of years into the past as they walk through a new exhibit at the Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA). On Saturday, MIA will unveil the Tibetan Buddhist shrine ...
Kevin Vose studies the transmission of Sanskrit Buddhist philosophical traditions from India to Tibet and the formation of Tibetan Buddhist scholastic traditions. He is the author of Resurrecting ...