As closely allied democracies, America and Britian can achieve more together than they can do apart. That is why a technology ...
And then there was “the remarkable friendship” between John F. Kennedy and Harold Macmillan, as British-American author Christopher Sandford describes the relationship between one of the most ...
In this historic speech, British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan spoke of the "wind of change" blowing through Africa and the right of black majority populations to rule themselves. He explicitly ...
[Contains spoilers.] Gordon with PM Harold Macmillan (left) courtesy of The Noele Gordon Archive and (right) on the Crossroads set with PM Harold Wilson. “One floor manager’s parents died in a ...
The optics could not have been worse. Ditching your home state as it battened down the hatches for an almighty superstorm?
Harold Macmillan, visited South Africa in 1960. Macmillan told the South African parliament: “The wind of change is blowing through this continent, and whether we like it or not, this growth of ...