Studies reveal rural health gaps and heat-linked aging, and EPA cuts pose particular health risks for minority communities.
Serious problems have been seen at other hospital chains with a history of private equity ownership. Los Angeles-based Prospect Medical Holdings and Dallas-based Steward Health Care have closed ...
Diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in healthcare were meant to accomplish this: bringing providers into medical spaces ...
Over 10 years, private equity firms acquired more than 1,000 disability care providers. But intense pressures to turn a ...
Some for-profit health systems were quick to change DEI language or delete references to those efforts altogether in their ...
A new report by Clearwater Security found that incident response and resilience was a major issue for private equity-owned healthcare companies, which need to improve consistency in cybersecurity ...
The Richmond Health Equity Fund seeks to fill gaps in funding and resources and improve health outcomes for all Richmonders.
It’s been a rough year for the US stock market so far, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at year-to-date returns for energy ...
Jefferson and the Health Federation of Philadelphia are providing one-on-one coaching to get patients up to speed on tech to improve quality of care.
The investment will expand the company’s platform into new clinical specialties Dr. John Danaher serves as CEO at AMO AIM Equity Partners ... a Chicago-based healthcare training platform.