The genetic code, a universal blueprint for life, governs how DNA and RNA sequences translate into proteins. While its complexity has inspired generations of scientists, its origins remain a topic ...
These cell proteins, called transcription factors, help determine which DNA sequences should be transcribed and precisely when the transcription process should occur. Once RNA polymerase and its ...
DNA and RNA use the same five-carbon sugar ... Crick published an argument that the sequence of nucleotides in a molecule of DNA was an essential template for the construction of amino acids ...
the Cas9 protein hooks up with the guide RNA and then moves along the strands of DNA until it finds and binds to a 20-DNA-letter long sequence that matches part of the guide RNA sequence.
For the Liu Lab, necessity is truly the mother of invention. The researchers were examining how the 3D organization of the ...
use RNA to guide them to specific sites on DNA. TIGR systems can be reprogrammed to target any DNA sequence of interest, and they have distinct functional modules that can act on the targeted DNA.
With the long-term goal of creating living cells from non-living components, scientists in the field of synthetic biology work with RNA origami. This tool uses the multifunctionality of the natural ...
Advances in the gene-editing technology known as CRISPR-Cas9 over the past 15 years have yielded important new insights into the roles that specific genes play in many diseases. But to date this ...
Alternative splicing (AS) of pre-mRNA plays a crucial role in tissue-specific gene regulation, with disease implications due to splicing defects. Predicting and manipulating AS can therefore uncover ...
This image depicts the chemical structure of cytosine. It shows a hexagonal ring with nitrogen atoms at positions 1 and 3, and a primary amine group attached to carbon 4. The two remaining positions ...
The Vulcanus DNA synthesis platform creates ... accelerating lead discovery through targeted sequence exploration with smart mutant libraries. The Mercury RNA platform generates libraries of ...