A Palmerton man was cited by police on Saturday, after TSA officers at LVIA report they intercepted the man’s gun at the ...
A typical first offense for carrying a loaded gun into a TSA checkpoint is a $3,000 fine and can go as high as $15,000.
HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Transportation Security Administration intercepted a loaded gun at Harrisburg International Airport. According to TSA spokesperson Lisa Farbstein, the 9mm handgun was found ...
The 9mm handgun was intercepted at a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) checkpoint at the airport Monday. The gun was loaded with seven bullets and contained one in the chamber.
CLEAR, an authorized TSA PreCheck enrollment provider, is expanding its services by opening new enrollment and renewal locations outside of airports at several major shopping centers, including ...
NEW YORK, March 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CLEAR (NYSE: YOU), an authorized TSA PreCheck® enrollment provider, continues to expand locations outside the airport environment to enroll and renew ...
New TSA PreCheck applicants can pre-enroll or find an enrollment location by visiting the authorized CLEAR’s authorized TSA PreCheck website, https://tsaprecheckbyclear.tsa.dhs.gov/. Most existing TSA ...