Dr Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) devised the world-famous Apgar Score which is a quick way for doctors and midwives to evaluate the health of all newborn babies. The test is done to determine whether a ...
It's said that "every baby born in a modern hospital in the world is looked at first through the eyes of Dr. Virginia Apgar." In a 1964 video, Dr. Apgar assists a nurse through checking a newborn ...
Women’s History Month is an excellent time to pay tribute to the many women who significantly improved our understanding and practice of medicine. The achievements of the seven women ...
Babies with seizures also were about 50% more likely to develop epilepsy if they had a low Apgar score – a quick assessment of their health immediately after birth based on appearance ...
The use of Apgar scores as a proxy for perinatal asphyxia may have introduced bias. Additionally, register-based diagnoses of epilepsy may have lacked full adherence to International League ...