Ohio, Issue 1
Ohioans are facing this watered-down version of democracy because our electoral districts are drawn by politicians.
But this essay is different, because I understand this complicated issue too well to make a simple yes or no recommendation.
State budget analysts predict the largest initial cost of Issue 1, if it passes, would be from having to defend it in court.
A six-syllable word lies at the heart of key disputes between supporters and opponents of state issue 1.Proportionality.That mouthful is the guiding star for th ...
Republicans and right-leaning groups are warning voters about out-of-state and foreign influence on Ohio's Issue 1 ...
In August 2023, LaRose and his allies in the legislature were trying to sell Ohio voters on another Issue 1, this one to ...
Yes on Issue 1” was a common refrain among speakers and attendees at a meeting about Ohio’s Issue 1 on Thursday.
An analysis done by the Ohio Office of Budget and Management sets estimates for how much a new Ohio Citizens Redistricting ...