The Golden Lamb Inn is the oldest hotel in Ohio, having been established in the Warren County seat of Lebanon in 1803. It opened as a log tavern, licensed as "a house of Public Entertainment" located on the main street of Lebanon. The present four-story structure is built around the 1815 rebuilding of the inn, maintaining its colonial architecture. It is known …The Golden Lamb Inn is the oldest hotel in Ohio, having been established in the Warren County seat of Lebanon in 1803. It opened as a log tavern, licensed as "a house of Public Entertainment" located on the main street of Lebanon. The present four-story structure is built around the 1815 rebuilding of the inn, maintaining its colonial architecture. It is known as the Golden Lamb because that image appeared on its signboard for the benefit of the illiterate. At various times it has been known as the Ownly Hotel, the Bradley House, the Lebanon House, and the Stubbs House.